If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return the item to us in its original condition within a few days of receipt.
Returned items must be in original packaging, including any accessories, manuals, and documentation.
Non-returnable items include damaged products through customer mishandling.
Returns made without a receipt or proof of purchase may be refused. The website reserves the right to deny any return.
In some cases, you may be required to include a video or photo of the defective product for proof in order to refund or replace the product.
Once the returned item arrives back in warehouse for inspection, the refund process will begin. To start the return process, please contact our Customer Support team. Please include the following information:
1. Order number
2. Proof of purchase
3. Video or photo of the faulty product (if applicable)
4. Complete delivery address
5. Contact telephone number
Then the product will be sent according to the return address provided by the website, and the tracking number will be sent to us after sending it.
Once the website accepts the customer’s refund/return and exchange request, we will send our refund address to the customer.
We will pay close attention to the transportation dynamics, and contact you as soon as we receive the product and start the return/exchange process.